Posts By: Peter Griffiths

RA Summer Exhibition 2024

‘Tetrapods Tidal Zone’, acrylic on canvas, 108×81 2024.

This painting has been selected by Royal Academician Hurvin Anderson to be included in the 2024 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition.

A question of subject Zine

This year 2021 I have produced a second zine, here you can see the PDF version. A paper version is also available for £4 from my shop.


The Bowes Museum

My second trip to look at a collection was to the Bowes Museum in Barnard Castle. I am starting to think about making my collecting of visual assets less controlled and directed. However looking at the Bowes Museum made me realize that there are dangers in doing this. A collection without direction is just a lot of stuff. A museum can become like a storage facility.


At The V&A

For my trip to the V&A in London I had decided to look at China, Korea and Japan. This was influenced after reading a small amount of fiction by East Asian authors, and a trip to Japan in the Autumn of 2019. One item I picked was this jar as I liked the unusual pattern development on it. I quite like the fact that while it looks complex there must be a system to drawing it by hand. I am thinking that its outline is done first then you focus down into the detail.


Works on Paper

While I am still thinking about the role of Subject in my creative practice I have decided that, while this question is unresolved, it should not stop me from working. At the moment there seems to be several option to move forward. One has been to remove, as far as possible, subject from my work. I think that this is what I am doing at the moment. It seems sensible that while I do not have an answer I should remove the question. Other options have been to work across subjects and focus more on personal or random selection processes.

Talking to Artists

I have now finished the section of the project where I talked to four different artists about their views on the use of Subject in a creative practice. So thanks to Jill Laudet, Bede Robinson, Jo Whittle and David Orme for there help and support.

Artist Interviews

I have managed to interview two of my planned four artists and hope to meet up with the third next week. It is starting to look a bit like I might be able to get all the things that I had planned done. I just need to plan two trips to places to explore the idea of collecting specific material and then do some work before producing my second Zine of work produced, by the end of this summer.

Paper Work

Not an Exhibition Catalogue

In 2020 I produced this zine booklet of a collection of paper drawings that are inspired by a Hound tooth Jacquard knitting pattern. In my work I use technology to work with imagery and create stencils. Jacquard card patterns are an early form of computer programming used to direct a pattern produced by a knitting or weaving machine.

You can see a copy of the zine here.


Freelance support fund

I am delighted to announce that I have been awarded a grant by Sheffield Cultural Consortium to spend some time developing my print technique.

To do this I will be working with West Yorkshire Print Workshop, who will be helping me with mentoring and practical support sessions.
