As I have not done much to my DYCP project on the role of Subject in my work for a little while, this is what I am planning to do.
Contact at least four artists to talk to them about the role or use of a subject in their work.
I am finding this quite a difficult task to undertake. It was included in my funding proposal and starts to make less sense as I go along. The artists that I talk to finds it a confusing question, some do not consider that Subject is relevant to their work. I think that this is partly what interests me. A traditional view of painting is that each has a subject. Today we tend to talk about ideas that we are trying to convey and talk about materials and processes. I feel that each of these can still be seen or considered as a subject.
The idea of a subject becomes more obvious if work leans towards illustration where structures and motif are used and is less clear when things are more abstract. I also think that we need to be conscious of unintentional subject or unintentional reading of subject.